Black Death

New Features Added for The Black Death

New Features Added for The Black Death

It was announced today by Green Man Gaming Publishing and Small Impact Games, the launch of new content and enhancements for The Black Death, an early access medieval survival game. The key features added include a new bounty system allowing players to live like outlaws and a beggar profession which will be unlocked instantly for all players that have already purchased the game and for those who buy the game between 11 and 17 July as a thank you to the community for their support.

Check out the 0.07 update of The Black Death, showcasing the games’ new features:

“The Black Death is set in a gritty medieval world. The plague has ravaged Western Europe, leaving a trail of destruction in its path and a population who endure struggle against sickness, scarce resources and other desperate survivors.

Players enter a huge multiplayer open world set in 14th century western Europe where they can choose a realistic medieval profession each with their own way to survive. Explore castles, ports, bandit camps and much more as you craft, loot and pillage in an epic struggle to survive against the The Black Death itself.

Since The Black Death came to Early Access on 19th April 2016, the team at Small Impact have been working hard to enhance and improve the game with the help and support from the community. The biggest fans of the game have suggested new features, named new areas, and continue to shape the future of the game. 

The latest update of The Black Death includes:

  • The Beggar Profession – A brand new profession is available to play! Times are hard and many have been reduced to begging in the streets. Beggars excel at crafting poor quality trinkets and decorative items. They have an improved resistance to the plague and the ability to beg for money allowing other players to toss them gold coins.
  • The Bounty System – A price on your head, literally! Live like an outlaw robbing and murdering for your own ends, but be careful, as now your head will gain a gold value as you commit more crimes! An outlaw or a vigilante? The choice is yours.
  • Revamped Tundra Area – A brand new fort, with purchasable houses, has opened its gates in the snowy northern crags.
  • Enhanced Combat – An update to the combat system including new weapon hit reactions, effects, audio and active parry ability.
  • Enhanced User Interface –  An updated UI makes it slicker and easier to use.
  • New Weather Effects – Snow and rain have began to fall across Mercia.
  • Community Named Tavern – The Scummy Sturgeon has opened its doors in Freeman’s port! Named by the Black Death community, a place for all you salty sea dogs to knock back some fine ale and forget the troubles of the world.

The Black Death is available to purchase today at Green Man Gaming, Steam and Humble Store, with a special 15% off for a limited period only.”

For more information on The Black Death, visit its official website.

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