Nintendo revealed today during the Super Smash Bros. Direct presentation, the new features that will be available when the game releases this year. The information was delivered by the games’ director Masahiro Sakurai.
Check out the Super smash Bros. Ultimate Direct, showcasing the new features coming to the game:
New Stages
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate will feature 103 unique stages, giving players a never-before-seen amount of content to play through.
Taking away Battlefield, Final Destination and Big Battlefield, this means that there will be 100 stages based on all of our favourite franchises, each coming with Battlefield and Omega forms, too, bringing the total to just over 300!
It was also announced during the Direct presentation, New Donk City Hall alongside Dracula’s Castle, and it was revealed that each stage in the game will also support eight-player battles. Players will also be able to turn off in-stage hazards such as the Yellow Devil in Willy Castle.
“Dynamic stages add to the challenge
There are plenty of surprise Stage Hazards to discover, including stages that change shape and guest characters that suddenly appear.
Stage Morph
Switch stages during battles! Choose the two stages you want to use and they’ll automatically switch after a certain amount of time.
My Music
Pick your favorite themed music for battle stages and set your background music with this option. There are more than 800 total tracks!
New Items Revealed
New Pokémon Revealed
In today’s Direct presentation it was revealed that Alolan Vulpix, Solgaleo, Lunala, Mimikyu, Alolan Exeggutor and Pyukumuku will be coming to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate”
It was also revealed that a limited edition of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate will be available at retail alongside the game’s standard December launch, featuring some extra goodies for all gamers to enjoy.
For more information on Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, visit its official website. For more gaming news, visit our website.
Announced on Twitter
A trailer for the update was also released.
A teaser trailer was also released.
Add new gameplay changes.