Fire Emblem Three Houses Hanneman Introduced

New Fire Emblem: Three Houses Character, Hanneman, Introduced

Nintendo has revealed another character who will be apart of the robust cast featured in the upcoming Switch title, Fire Emblem: Three Houses. This time we get a look at Hanneman, the crest enthralled academy teacher and adversary to Manuela.

Check out the tweet below for a introduction of Hanneman:

There’s already been a litany of character reveals and tons of details shown off for the game which is slated for this summer. We’ve seen new characters, such as Rea, Sothis, Claude, Dimitri, Jeralt, Manuela, Hilda, Felix, Dorothea, Hubert and Edelgard.

There’s also been a number of other previews for the game including last month’s reveal and a more recent in-depth look at the game’s mechanics. The next mainline entry for the beloved Fire Emblem franchise is shaping up to be one deep and riveting looking title sure to please both longtime fans and newcomers alike.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses is set to release on July 26, 2019 exclusively for the Switch.

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