Fire Emblem Three Houses Hilda Introduced

New Fire Emblem: Three Houses Character, Hilda, Introduced

The onslaught of new Fire Emblem: Three Houses character introduction has been heavy as of late and there’s no sign of Nintendo and Intelligent Systems letting up. The latest character reveal gives fans a look at Hilda, daughter of the Duke of Goneril and spoiled member of the House of the Golden Deer.

Check out the tweet below showing off an introduction video of Hilda below:

With the introduction of Hilda, there has been tons of other details revealed about the upcoming next mainline entry for the coveted Fire Emblem series. We’ve already seen a plethora of other character introductions, including Rea, Claude, Sothis, Jeralt, Hubert, Manuela, Felix, Dorothea, Dimitri and Edelgard.

While we’ve also been given an extensive preview of the game last month, this passed week Nintendo also shared a brand-new preview of the game showing off tons of more details regarding various mechanics within the upcoming title.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses is set to launch on July 26, 2019 exclusively for the Switch.

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