Nintendo and Intelligent Systems has revealed another main character for the upcoming Switch title, Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Fans received the first look at the new character Hubert, Edelgard’s attendant and member of the Adrestian Empire.
Check out the tweet introducing Hubert below:
There are more and more characters being introduced for the next Fire Emblem title seemingly everyday now with Hubert being the newest introduction. Fans have already seen plenty of footage showing off other characters, such as Sothis, Edelgard, Claude, Dimitri, Jeralt and Rea.
Starting off all of this Fire Emblem coverage was an in-depth preview of the game earlier this month which gave us an inside look at the new mainline Fire Emblem title.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses is set to release exclusively on the Switch on July 26, 2019.
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A teaser trailer was also released.
Add new gameplay changes.
New characters and Maps.
Will launch for some platforms first.