New Fire Emblem: Three Houses Character, Marianne, Introduced

The next mainline Fire Emblem title, Fire Emblem: Three Houses, is now almost a full month away and Nintendo along with developer Intelligent Systems is continuing its onslaught of new character introductions. The most recent introduction gives fans a look at Marianne, the quiet animal lover and member of the House of the Golden Deer.

Check out the tweet including the introduction video of Marianne below:

There’s been a slew of characters from Fire Emblem: Three Houses revealed over the course of the last few months. We’ve seen characters such as Mercedes, Rea, Sothis, Jeralt, Felix and many others who make up the collective colorful cast of personalities present in the new game.

We’ve also seen a few different previews of the game over the last few months, as well as an extensive gameplay video from this week’s E3 coverage during Nintendo’s Treehouse streaming event.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses is set to release exclusively on the Switch on July 26, 2019.

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