Game Plus

New Game Plus for Shadow of the Tomb Raider Announced

New Game Plus for Shadow of the Tomb Raider Announced

Square Enix announced today that their upcoming game from the Tomb Raider franchise, Shadow of the Tomb Raider, will have a New Game Plus mode. This new mode will enable three paths that the player must choose according to their type of playstyle.

Expand your game play with New Game Plus. Once a player has completed Shadow of the Tomb Raider, they unlock the ability to play through a mode with all-new features.

In New Game Plus, the work you’ve done will carry over into your next play-through. This includes:

  • All Skills Acquired
  • Weapons
  • Outfits
  • Equipment Upgrades
  • Gear

New Game Plus also unlocks three new Paths that Lara Croft can master. Choose your unique path based on your playstyle.

Path of the Serpent

You gameplay features an emphasis on stealth and subterfuge. Take down your foes one by one, using sound and decoys to sow chaos among their ranks. Mud and camoflague lets you lash out your foes before slipping back into the shadows.

Path of the Jaguar

Your gameplay features an emphasis on hunting and combat. Strike down your enemies with an unrivaled ferocity. Your agility and close-ranged prowess tear through your enemies with knife takedowns.

Path of the Eagle

Gameplay features an emphasis on traversal and resourcefulness. Observe your enemies from afar, scouting out to plan your next attack. Traverse with ease, attacking enemies from long range.


Each chosen path will unlock a variety of exclusive rewards that further compliment your playstyle and gameplay.

By selecting a path, you’ll unlock mastery skills featuring a variety of unique new abilities. From Jaguar Rage to Eagle Sight, each skill expands your game play.

On top of new skills available, chosen Paths feature unique themed weapons and outfits that further take your game.

Learn more about New Game Plus and Shadow of the Tomb Raider when it launches on September 14th, 2018.

Full Press Release – Source. For more gaming news, visit our website.

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