Soldier from Metro Exodus Ready to Fight

New Metro Title in Development

During THQ Nordic’s financial investors report it was revealed that 4A Games is currently working on the next installment in the post-apocalyptic first-person survival shooter series, Metro. While there were no other details, it’s exciting to see the developer back at work so soon after the release of Metro Exodus which hit earlier this year.

The Metro series debuted back in 2010 with Metro 2033 and has released a trilogy of titles throughout the course of that last nine years. Considering the gap between 2013’s Last Light release and this year’s Exodus release, 4A may be heading in a direction to see less development time between Exodus and the new title.

The entire Metro series has received mostly positive reception over the years, pinning the series as one of the most engaging and gripping fist-person shooters around. Stay tuned for more on the newly revealed Metro title, tough it may be while before anything substantial arises.

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