Sonic to be open world

New Sonic Game To Be Open World – Rumor

This week SEGA gave us our first look at the newest game to star the now 30 year old Sonic. The teaser shown during the event only offered a few seconds of the character doing as he does and ‘going fast’, but now we may have gotten more information.

Disclaimer – This information has not been verified, therefore this is not factual.

The first pieces of information that broke was a potential name for the new game. During the teaser only a date was given but according to the teasers files the full title will be Sonic Rangers.

According to an anonymous poster on 4chan there was a focus test, featuring two demos, that used the name Sonic Rangers as well. This Leaker posted the information back in January of this year. There still remains the possibility that this is just a placeholder name for the project.

That user then went on to claim that the game will feature an open world. It will apparently draw heavy Inspiration from Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild. Enemies will appear in small groups around the world making for minor fights in between exploration.

Not just that, now Sonic will have a skill tree system. Defeating Enemies, completing challenges, and solving puzzles will all grant you exp to spend on new abilities for Sonic. One such ability is referred to as the “Spincycle” which allows the player to hold Y and trace a circle to hit enemies within.

According to the leaker the game might not be the game that redeems the beloved franchise. They refer to both the exploration and combat as “Super Boring” and that the game is “Very button mashy”. They points out at the end of his post that at least in January the game was early in Development and not fun to play.

Even if only a small portion of this list is accurate it should make for a big shake up to the usual formula.

Source – Reddit

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