The video game peripheral third party company, PowerA, has released some impressive custom accessories and hardware over the years. However, perhaps the most interesting recent accessory coming from the company, though impressive, may be hinting at something bigger than just a simple additional piece of gaming equipment.
As spotted by Twitter user Wario64 on Amazon, PowerA has seemingly leaked what appears to be an Overwatch themed carrying case for, you guessed it, the Switch. While as of now, Blizzard’s massive first-person shooter multiplayer title has yet to be officially announced for the Nintendo hardware, it seems that we could be in for a reveal of Overwatch releasing on the Switch relatively soon.
It wouldn’t make sense for PowerA to create a carrying case themed to a game that isn’t on and won’t release on the Switch, so it seems the effort in creating such a themed accessory should be warranted. Overwatch is a big name, but what’s the point in sticking the logo on a console case if the game itself isn’t heading over to the console.
What’s more is that the previous Amazon listing has since been removed, which certainly raises a few flags that Overwatch could indeed be heading over to the Switch community. We could see and announcement coming soon out of no where, or even perhaps this week’s upcoming PAX West. However, chances are we would see an announcement from Blizzard regarding Overwatch hitting the Switch during November’s BlizzCon 2019 event.
This wouldn’t be the first time Blizzard has worked with Nintendo as last year a port of Diablo III was also released for the Switch console. It should also be noted that the new gear is – like all PowerA accessories – is officially licensed, in this case (pun intended) by Nintendo and Blizzard.
PowerA has also recently released the new look of their new Nintendo Switch Spyro-themed Pro Controller which continues to impress and prove that the company is one of the best places to go for custom accessories and hardware.
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