
New Switch Trailer Points Towards July Release for Dragon Quest Heroes on Super Smash Ultimate

Nintendo released a brand-new trailer showcasing what appears to be the upcoming releases for the month of July. While originally titled ‘Fan-Favorites & Newest Releases – July’, Nintendo promptly changed the title of the video replacing ‘July’ with ‘Summer’. This was no doubt to cover up the fact that they may have just accidentally leaked the release month for the upcoming Dragon Quest Heroes DLC for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Check out the new Switch trailer below:

Of course, Nintendo wants us to believe this was simply an error and fans should expect the new DLC to hit Ultimate sometime this summer to keep the July release a surprise right before the DLC fighters launch. While this indeed might be true, the fact that the new trailer only shows other games with July release dates – i.e. Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Marvel’s Ultimate Alliance 3 and Season 9 of Fortnite – while failing to mention any other games releasing in other summer months, such as Astral Chain in August and Daemon X Machina at the end of the season in September.

So, Nintendo’s efforts of damage control towards the supposed slip-up on the release window still set as ‘summer’, it seems the latest trailer may point towards a much more narrowed down window of July. While this is all speculation, at this point it seems a little too plausible for the new DLC characters to hit outside of July.

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