
Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom DLC ‘The Tale Of A Timeless Tome’ Receives New Trailer

Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom is gearing up for its second large downloadable content drop, The Tale of a Timeless Tome, with a new launch trailer ahead of the March 19 release date.

Check out the trailer below:

The Tale of a Timeless Tome looks to whisk Evan and co. into the depths of dreams as the trailer gives us our first glimpse at the mysterious top hat wearing, tuxedo sporting rabbit.

Here’s everything you can expect from the upcoming DLC:

The Tale of a Timeless Tome begins with Evan and his friends hearing about a rumor regarding a mysterious rabbit dressed in a tuxedo that is being seen in people’s dreams. Evan decides to investigate by staying at the Goldpaw Inn. When Evan falls asleep, he finds himself in a dream world and encounters the rabbit who tells them he is The Conductor. Who is this off character and what is his objective?

Along with new story elements players will be able to discover new Methods to help customize their style of battle. One of the new methods, “Wizard’s Companion” may sound familiar to Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch players. Find out what Evan and his friends can do with these new Methods!

The Solosseum Slog is a new battle arena that challenges players against strong enemies. Winning will net players new items as a reward!

-Bandai Namco

Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom is currently available on the PS4 and PC via Steam. The Tale of a Timeless Tome is the second major DLC for the 2018 JRPG, which is releasing on March 19, 2019.

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Chris Wheatley

A freelance Games Journalist and an avid gamer, he'll put together an article to keep the reader engaged, informed and moderately happy for a solid 4 minutes. That my friend, is no easy feat. Find him on Twitter at -

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Chris Wheatley