The next installment in the award-winning game of stabby duelists, Nidhogg 2 is coming to PlayStation 4 in all its sword-swinging, axe-throwing, face-stomping glory in 2017.
Fill your opponent with arrows, chuck a knife into its groin, smash its face into juicy goop, or even kick it old-school with your trusty sword. Nidhogg 2 is busting open the floodgates with a bunch of new moves and weapons, each with its own playstyle for dispatching foes.
Nidhogg 2 is not just about dueling with swords — this time you can wail on your friends with a bow and arrow, toss a throwing knife in their groin, or cleave them in half with a battle-axe! Each weapon has its own unique playstyle. The axe is a bit slower but has nice range and is unblockable. The throwing knife is the only weapon that can be thrown low. The bow and arrow is obviously great at long range, but arrows are easily blocked or dodged and you can run out. With all the different dynamics between weapons there are many more strategies and matches can play out in lots more different ways.
Check out the Teaser:
“Another major change that fans will notice is the game’s drastically different art style. The minimalistic style of the original is gone, as it now features artwork and animations by artist Toby Dixon. ‘Nidhogg 2’ will also feature a soundtrack filled with music by artists such as Mux Mool, Dose One, and Daedelus. Essen has said that addtional collaborators will be announced “as the project progresses.”
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