
NieR: Automata Coming February 23 in Japan

NieR: Automata Coming February 23 in Japan

NieR: Automata will launch for PlayStation 4 on February 23 in Japan, Square Enix announced at the 2016 PlayStation Press Conference in Japan.

Platinum Games’ NieR Automata, the sequel they are developing for Square Enix’s cult hit NieR, will be launching on February 23, 2017, it was announced at Sony’s pre-Tokyo Game Show PlayStation Japan conference today. According to the game’s latest trailer, NieR: Automata will be available to Japanese consumers on February 23, 2017, a little over five months from now.

It’s not clear whether the game will hit the West, and Steam, on that date, although it fits with the “early 2017” date given when Nier: Automata was announced for PC.

Check out the Trailer:

“It is confirmed for a worldwide localization sometime in 2017, but we have no idea of when that actually is yet. At the very least we’ll have plenty of footage out of Japan (and spoilers) to ogle at next year. I’m cautiously optimistic as the original Nier was a flawed gem, but the fact that Platinum is involved (and taking its time) has me erring on the side of it being good.”

More info at – Source

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