Nintendo Expanding Online Service

Nintendo Comments on Expanding Switch Online Subscription

The Nintendo Switch Online subscription service is nearing its one year anniversary with very little to show. While the subscription model is the cheapest out of the three main console manufacturers, allows players to dip into a few dozen original NES titles at no extra cost and provides heated online competition in titles such as Super Smash Bros Ultimate and Tetris 99, there’s still some features missing from the service.

One of the most anticipated features fans are hoping to be integrated into the service is the additions of classic games from other Nintendo consoles, i.e. SNES, N64, etc. While there’s been no announcement of any other consoles debuting on the online service, a Nintendo investor Q&A hinted that fans could be seeing the service expand in the future.

With questions asked from Twitter user @NStyle and translated by @Cheesemeister3k, Nintendo revealed that they do plan on expanding the NES games. As vague as Nintendo can be regarding the topic, this is a bit unclear as to what is meant. Is Nintendo planning to simply add more NES games to the library? Or are they planning on expanding the service into other console territories? In which the latter would easily cater to a broader portion of the fan base

Regardless, it would be incredibly satisfying to play titles from some of the other eras of Nintendo on the go utilizing the hybrid model of the Switch. This can’t be something Nintendo is unaware of, and we should hear something soon from Nintendo on what the expansion means. If so, I would expect a price increase for the service to help counter the addition of more classic games from other platforms.

Source: Game Informer

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