Nintendo Switch Won’t Have Miiverse Or StreetPass

Neither the Nintendo 3DS’s StreetPass feature, or Nintendo’s social network Miiverse will appear on the upcoming Nintendo Switch, it has been confirmed by Nintendo of America’s assistant manager of public relations David Young, Both services were introduced during the Wii U and 3DS cycle.

For social media, the Switch will use other platforms,The Switch does have a share button that can be used to share images, and later on, video; But Nintendo did not specify which platforms in the interview, just that it would be existing social media.

Both services were introduced during the Wii U and 3DS cycle, However, according to Nintendo of America’s assistant manager of public relations David Young, they won’t figure in plans for the new hybrid console:

“I can answer that we’re not going to be using Miiverse for Nintendo Switch.”

Sharing to these networks will also spread awareness of the Switch, rather than having gamers confined to a “walled garden” like Miiverse.

Young says the lack of StreetPass is down to the idea that Switch is a home console first and foremost – a common message coming out of Nintendo at the moment, despite the clear portable potential of the platform. With 3DS, StreetPass made sense because you were always carrying around your console with you; clearly, Nintendo doesn’t want people to assume Switch is the same kind of deal – perhaps because having the unit on standby all day would run the battery down.

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