Nintendo Switch: New Fire Emblem Title in Development

Nintendo Switch: New Fire Emblem Title in Development

Scheduled for release sometime in 2018, it was announced by Koet Tecmo during a Nintendo Direct Presentation a new Fire Emblem title for Nintendo Switch, the title is currently in development and will be exclusively for Nintendo Switch.

The lastest entry of the saga was Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, it released in November 2007 in North America for the Nintendo Wii.

You can watch the whole Nintendo Direct Presentation on the official Nintendo Website as is not available on YouTube.

The Fire Emblem series has been described by its developers as an “RPG simulation”, combining tactical simulation gameplay with the plot and character development of a role-playing game, creating a sense of connection with characters in the field not present in previous tactical games. Battles in series play out on a grid-based map, with the player controlling a set number of characters across maps tied to both the game’s story and optional side stories.

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