
Nintendo Will Be At E3 2019, According to Its Website

Microsoft has claimed many times that it’s upcoming show at E3 2019 will be the biggest one in the history, which could possibly fade away Sony’s absence, but now with Nintendo coming to E3 2019, fans would be happier and eager to follow the next E3 more serious than before.

The news came from Nintendo’s E3 website that has gone live recently with new contents and texts related to the upcoming event at Los Angeles. According to Nintendo, we will get to “learn about all the newest game announcements, tournament news, and Nintendo’s E3 plans” on their E3 website.

Like to it’s previous appearances at E3 events, Nintendo will probably stream a Direct-like show to announce it’s upcoming games and probably unveil new models of Nintendo Switch as one of the main plans of the company.

Nintendo always has revealed top exclusive titles during it’s E3 streams and fans hope to see another jaw-dropping announcement by the Japanese company. Showing up with something like Bayonetta 3 could be a great atomic bomb for whole E3 2019 and satisfy the community for the rest of the current year.

For more information on E3 2019 and Nintendo’s plans for it, make sure to follow Gaming Instincts on Twitter.

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