No Man's Sky Beyond Update Announced

No Man’s Sky Beyond Announced As Next Free Update

With one of the greatest turn-a rounds this generation, No Man’s Sky has completely overhauled it’s space exploring adventure. The addition of the ‘Next’ update in 2018, along with plenty of other free updates before it, Hello Games is proving itself to be dedicated to their ambitiously massive game.

In a press release from the studio, they recently announced their plans to take the game even further. This summer, No Man’s Sky players will be treated to yet another free update titled ‘Beyond’.

Check out the short teaser, that essentially tells us almost nothing about the forthcoming update, below:

“BEYOND’s multiplayer experience will change the way players come together and offer radical new ways to explore the universe. However, it will not require a subscription, will not contain micro-transactions and will be completely free for all existing players.”

– Hello Games

While there’s not much else revealed about the future update, it does paint a positive light for the game’s future, especially considering the abysmal initial launch. Hello Games also stated there will be more revealed about the Beyond update in the coming weeks, so stay tuned.

No Man’s Sky is available for the PS4, Xbox One and PC and comes with a flurry of free updates that makes the game much more enjoyable.

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