One Piece: Burning Blood ‘The Pirate Flag Battle’ Trailer

One Piece: Burning Blood ‘The Pirate Flag Battle’ Trailer

The new trailer shows off the ‘Pirate Flag Battle’ Mode featured in the game: where players can join a crew and conquer the ocean online by capturing famous locations from the anime with their team of brave pirates.

In this mode, players select a crew and capture famous locations online with a pirate team. A few of the crews that can be selected are the Straw Hats Pirates, Whitebeard Pirates, Red-Hair Pirates, Buggy Pirates, Blackbeard Pirates, and Baroque Works. Of course, that’s not a complete list, more will be revealed later.

The objective of Pirate Flag Battle is to claim territories. Players who select or affiliate themselves with a crew will battle players of other crews to earn Victory Points. These Victory Points will allow a crew to claim a territory. For example, the Blackbeard Pirates can battle their way to claim the Island of Weatheria under their rule. Pirate crews can claim victory at multiple territories. Each territory captured and protected will allow a team to earn something called Force PTs. After a certain period of time, referred to as a season in the trailer below, the crew with the highest amount of Force PTs will become known as a conqueror! Conqueror teams will receive a special title.

One Piece: Burning Blood will be released for the PS Vita and PS4 in North America on May 31, 2016 and in Europe on June 3, 2016.

Check out the Trailer:

“Pirate Flag Battle is the perfect mode to expand the One Piece Burning Blood fighting experience through online team challenges.”

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