Outlast 2 First Gameplay Footage

Outlast 2

Outlast 2 First Gameplay Footage

Outlast 2, developer Red Barrels is looking for new, totally twisted ways to scare gamers silly, and this glimpse at a segment set in a terrifying cornfield suggests they haven’t lost their touch. The video, posted to GameSpot’s official YouTube channel, shows off the litany of heart-stopping horror that players will encounter. Featuring eviscerated bodies, a Southern-twanged cult leader speaking menacingly over a loud speaker, and one unlucky, camera-toting protagonist running for his life through a dark cornfield while pursued by murderous psychopaths, the four-minute snippet gives gamers an idea of what kind of white knuckle horror to expect from the upcoming sequel.

Red Barrels previously promised that Outlast 2 will feature a brand new setting, and this sneak peek at the Southern fried horror that the developer has planned is sure to excite fans of the franchise. With big-name horror games like Friday the 13th also planned to release in 2016, Outlast 2 will have its work cut out for it to stand out from the crowd.

Outlast 2 is shooting for a Fall 2016 release, so horror hounds can now begin to count the days until the first person scare-fest releases for Windows, Playstation 4, and Xbox One.

Check out the Trailer:

“The gameplay demo for “Outlast 2″ ends with a chase sequence where the player is being pursued by several people flashing their flashlights, and the player barely escapes by diving down to another area where the screen goes to black.”

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