
Overwatch Will Be Getting Its 31st Hero a bit Later

Blizzard officially announced that the next hero for Overwatch is going to be added later than usual.

Being one of the best ongoing multiplayer titles of the current generation since its launch, Overwatch released with 21 playable characters in the roster and now, 3 years after its launch, the game features 30 heroes. Soon, Blizzard is going to celebrate the addition of tenth playable character, though it will be coming a bit later than what we expected.

According to Jeff Kaplan, the next hero for Overwatch, which is a male character, needs more time to be developed and that’s why fans have to wait a bit longer. Besides, Blizzard has decided to run Overwatch Summer Games sooner than previous years. Kaplan said:

Hero 31 is going to be awesome, but he will be released a little bit later than you’re used to. But he will be here soon enough so don’t worry. We think the little extra time is going to make the hero even more awesome.

Summer Games used to get launched earlier in August, so it might get started later in July this year.

In other news, Blizzard is going to make some improvements on anti-cheat system which is now being tested on PTR servers. With the new system, using cheat codes by a player of the other side won’t get a penalty for you.

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