Paragon New Hero Revealed – The Fey

Paragon New Hero Revealed – The Fey

Epic Games has revealed a new hero for its multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA), Paragon.

Here’s the overview:

“Drawing from nature’s power, The Fey is a Support Caster who specializes in crowd control and can harass heroes in her lane,” Epic detailed in a press release sent to GamesBeat. “Her Untamed Growth ability throws out an explosive plant that does AOE (area of effect) damage over time. Her Bramble Patch creates a line of thorny brambles that can slow multiple heroes. Harvest Nettles refunds mana on successful hit while her Ultimate, Fly Trap, summons a gargantuan plant that drags you in and applies serious damage.”

The new hero is The Fey, who will be available free to early access players on August 2 only on PlayStation 4.

Check out the Trailer:

“As always, all Heroes in Paragon are free, so if you’re in Early Access you’ll be able to jump in as The Fey on Tuesday. If you’re not in Early Access yet, you can pick up a Starter Pack to get into the action prior to Free Open Beta on 16 August. PlayStation Plus members can even pick up a free Starter Pack through Monday, 1 August.”

More info at – Source

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