Astral Chain First Part of a Trilogy

PlatinumGames’ Astral Chain is the First Part of a Trilogy

Switch owners everywhere are anxiously awaiting the latest title from the over-the-top action-adventure veterans PlatinumGames as Astral Chain is nearly two months away form launch. While this new IP is certainly looking like something special for the hybrid console, it seems like Astral Chain might be more than just a standalone title.

In an interview with IGN Benelux, game director Takahisa Taura expressed his the future plans for the game, stating “…this is the first part of [a] trilogy. If this game sells well, we might see how the story of the series continues.”

While Astral Chain certainly looks spectacular, to know that there are already at least two other titles for the “series” to follow is incredibly exciting. That would mean with Bayonetta and now this new adventure, Nintendo would have two major PlatinumGames series under their belt as exclusives. Not bad.

Taura also noted that there were no plans to add DLC or another additional content to the upcoming Switch title. The reasoning behind this decision was made in regards to the game’s narrative, as Taura claimed that additional content wouldn’t work as well with the game’s story as it will with turning the game into a trilogy.

Astral Chain is set to release exclusively on the Switch on August 30, 2019.

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Source: IGN Benelux

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