Playstation VR Details and Games

Playstation VR Details and Games

In the middle of the E3 2016 Sony media briefing Shawn Layden took a moment, after showing off some Playstation 4 exclusives, to go over some more details pertaining to Playstation VR. He reiterated that the head mounted display will be launching on October 13 of this year and will retail for 399.00 USD. He also added that there will be 50 titles that will natively support the VR platform this year. Some of the titles announced to have Playstation support include Farpoint, Star Wars Battlefront VR, Batman Arkham VR, Final Fantasy XV VR and Resident Evil VII.

Farpoint is a scifi first-person adventure game that appears to take place on a desert planet and story of it seems to be shrouded in mystery. No release date for Farpoint was given. Here a short trailer show it working with Playstation VR:

Another title that will be making use of the display is Star Wars Battlefront with its X-Wing VR Mission component. It looks like a more in depthspace combat diversion than what was seen in the retail version of Battlefront EA:

Another surprise was that Batman himself would be making the move to VR with the aptly titled Batman: Arkham VR. there is no gameplay to speak of, but the game still given an October 2016 release date. Here is a small trailer below:

Square Enix is even getting into the VR realm with Final Fantasy XV VR, which will let player control the gun wielding Prompto. There was a release date for the game proper of September 30, but it was unclear if the date also applies to the VR gameplay. Nonetheless, here is a small snippet of video that actually shows some gameplay.

Lastly, Resident Evil VII made a shocking appearance at the Sony conference. On top of that it will also be supporting VR. It is set for a January 24, 2017. Here is the VR trailer:

Hopefully, more details on the other 40+ surfaces soon before the Playstation VR inevitably launches.

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