Sony’s virtual reality device will be $400 and out this October, the publisher announced today.
The PS VR games demoed so far use the Sony Move controllers, or the standard PlayStation DualShock 4 controller. Your head movements and orientation are tracked via the PlayStation Camera, which tracks the nine LEDs placed strategically on the headset.
Also the PS VR got some very impresive specs for that price:
Sony is partnering with EA and Lucasfilm to make some sort of Battlefront game for the service, also they said that the PlayStation Camera won’t be included ( and you need one ), for the VR full experience, the cost will be 60$ for the camera.
The PS VR will be available in October, 2016
Check out some pictures of the conference:
“Pre-orders opening tomorrow (March 16th).
Content of box:
Full Press Release – Source
A trailer was also released.
A trailer was also released.