Sony Interactive Entertainment has just announced the launch of a new software update for PS4 numbered 8.00.
As confirmed by Sony the new version of the system will add new avatars and will change the way party and messages are presented to the player, also the new versions prepare the mobile apps and the whole PlayStation ecosystem for the imminent launch of the PlayStation 5.
Here are some of the new features in the PS4 version 8.00:
Updates to Party and Messages
Following this update, Party and Messages will be more tightly linked together and you will see changes to the UI. Both apps will now use the same ‘Groups’ of players for Party voice chats and message exchanges, instead of having different groups set up across the two apps. So now you can start a Party chat or send a message to the group you’ve previously chatted with across PS4, as well as PS5 when it launches.
New Avatars
We’re expanding the collection of pre-set avatars for players to showcase on their Profile. An array of new avatars from your favorite games will be available, including Bloodborne, Journey, Ghost of Tsushima, God of War, The Last of Us Part II, The Last of Us Remastered, Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, and many more.
Mute all Mics from Quick Menu
We’ve added an option to “Mute all Microphones” in the Quick Menu, so you can easily mute your mics while gaming.
also announced PlayStation consoles will feature more simple and flexible parental controls. “We’re combining the ‘Communicating with Other Players’ and ‘Viewing Content Created by other Players’ into one setting – ‘Communication and User Generated Content’- to cover both areas of communication and UGC sharing.
The executive affirms that this simpler setting is easier to understand and apply to underage players. Children also can send a request to their parents to use communication features in specific applications. This means that parents will receive an email notification giving parents more control over the content that the children are exposed to.
Shuman also announced the new 2-step verification on PlayStation 4 will be enhanced today, this feature will support party authenticator apps as an option during the activation flow and 2SV sign-in across PS4, mobile, and web.
Source: Playstation
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Announced on Twitter.