PUBG Update 25 Available Now On Test Servers

PUBG Update 25 Available Now On Test Servers

PUBG update it’s live now on test servers and it brings lots of new weapons and features to the popular battle royale game, for stability purpose the test servers are currently working on two maps, this update brings a new Snowbike, the Bizon SMG, the ability to use canted sight, Vikendi Moonlight weather setting and more.

The biggest feature in update 25 is the ability to use canted sights along with regular scopes. This is perfect for weapons that excel at range and close quarters, because it allows you to quickly aim using a red dot sight up close, and easily switch back to a better scope for ranged targets.

For this to work, some of PUBG’s weapons now have a secondary optic slot. By default, you can switch between them by hitting Alt and right click. There’s another wrinkle: your primary sight will depend on which of the two (canted or regular) you equipped first, but it’s not yet clear if you’ll be able to switch them up.

PUBG Corp. is also making level 3 helmets and vests more rare, and adjusting attachments spawn rate on the same map. Another hot topic has been Vikendi’s bluezone, which the update is making some adjustments to. It will now be generated further away from the centre, and its final form will deal more damage to players.

I really like the new canted sight attachment and Vikendi’s new weather looks awesome with the full moon and the beautiful aurora borealis, what are you looking forward in this new update, what new stuff would you like to be implemented? Tell me in the comment section below.

Read the full patch notes for more information.

Read the full article at – VG247.

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