Arthur Morgan in Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption 2 Gets Its First Multiplayer Mod in December

Playing games on PC always bring you the best possible quality in graphics, but that’s not the only perk you can get on a PC. Probably being able to add unofficial mods to the games is even much more enjoyable than getting a jaw-dropping graphics. When it comes to open-world titles such as Grand Theft Auto series, The Elder Scrolls franchise and Fallout games, the reception for mods grows to huge numbers and that’s where modders come in. With Red Dead series making its very first appearance on PC with Red Dead Redemption 2, it would be exciting to see what modders have in mind to put on Rockstar’s latest masterpiece. Fortunately, they’ve started working before the game’s launch and the first mods are about to come in a month after November 5th.

According to FiveM, the team behind one of the seamless multiplayer mods for Grand Theft Auto V, the RedM, which is the same multiplayer mod for Red Dead Redemption 2, will be coming in December before holidays arrive. Regarding that Rockstar usually don’t have any intention to use Denuvo anti-tamper on its PC titles, Red Dead 2 could get cracked soon after its launch next month, which will make it easier for modders to work on their extraordinary projects.

Aside from FiveM, there are a few other modders as well, who started working on Red Dead Redemption 2 mods before its launch. Considering how Rockstar treated with modders in GTA V, probably there won’t be any legal way to use mods in RDR 2 as well, except using the illegal cracked versions.

Red Dead Redemption 2 will be coming to Rockstar Games Launcher and Epic Games Store on November 5, with Steam version arriving one month later. Pre-purchasing it on Rockstar’s newly launched client will grant you with new missions in campaign mode and gold bars in Red Dead Online.

Source: WCCFTech

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