THQ Nordic announced that their open world, destruction heavy Mars adventure title, Red Faction: Guerrilla, will be releasing on the Switch this summer. The remastered version (Re-Mars-tered) released for the PS4, Xbox One and PC last year, revitalizing the open mayhem found in the original release.
Check out the Switch announcement trailer for Red Faction: Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered Edition below:
The game takes players through a corporate run Mars colony as they take on the role of a member of the Red Faction Mars liberation movement and try to remove the reign from the Earth Defense Force (EDF). Nearly everything within Red Faction: Guerrilla is completely destructible, making for one hell of an experience for those who like to get chaotic.
The Switch version will feature a variety of game changing elements, such as the choice between Performance and Quality, reworked textures and lighting, and optional motion controls for improved aiming while in handheld mode.
Check out all of the Switch features below:
Red Faction: Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered Edition will be releasing on the Switch on July 2, 2019.
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