Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Release Date

Release Date Leaked For Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

With a Star Wars fan celebration panel set to air later this afternoon in which many fans are hoping to find out more about Respawn Entertainment’s Fallen Order title, it appears a release date has surfaced via a Star Wars themed pin.

Fans have gotten their hands on the pin, and on the back of the packaging appears a date of November 15, 2019. The pin is for Respawn’s upcoming Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, so it’s safe to assume this will be the release date for the game itself.

Also, an Amazon listing displays the game with the same release date. While Respawn has not officially confirmed a release date for the game, it seems like it’s beginning to pop up everywhere.

One thing is for certain, later today at the Star Wars panel we’re sure to learn more about he upcoming game. And it’d be surprising if we don’t get a release date (of November 15) for the game, as well.

You can tune in to the game’s official panel which starts at 1:30CT/2:30ET later today, April 13, 2019.

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[…] Jedi: Fallen Order. Although some details of the game have already been leaked so far, including release date, still the fans are dying to see the first footage of the game during today’s event. But […]