Capcom producer Peter Fabiano shared a interview with PlayStation Magazine UK where he revealed more information for the upcoming remake of the classic survival horror game, Resident Evil 3.
Capcom has opted for a classic approach at the development of Resident Evil 3, the developer decided to not create an open-world Racoon City for the remake. Some locations featured in the classic from 1999 where confirmed, being the case, Racoon Police Department, the Stagla Petrol Station, Racoon’s City Hospital and the Racoon Press Office.
“Resident Evil 3 has more open spaces and one of the things that makes Nemesis so frightening is that he is relentless and you never know when or where he might show up,”
“We certainly took some elements that we learned from putting together Resident Evil 2’s Tyrant, but Nemesis is his own brand of terror, and a relentless pursuer who can use weapons,” Peter Fabiano said.
Monsters were also revealed in the PlayStation Magazine UK. What will surprise most of Resident Evil’s fan is the fact that, Nemesis, is created in real-life for more realism.
According to GameByte, the technique used for capturing Nemesis in real life is photogrammetry, the technique allows developers to have a more detailed and perhaps faster representation of the mutant beast. The technique gives an accurate representation of a image that can be translated to 3D.
Is expected that mutant worms and other classic monsters will be returns, with their design being kept as much as possible. Carlos Oliveira is confirmed, also players will have plenty of choices, this however, won’t change the ending, as there is just one. Another missed feature is the Mercernaries mode.
The game is nearly done at its development stage, and no delays are expected. Resident Evil 3 was recently announced during Sony’s State of Play, it’s scheduled to release on April 3, 2020.
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It will add the new “Dark Odyssey” armor.
In a recent press release.
Details about the setting and main character.
A gameplay video was also released.