Respawn Ban Apex Piggybackers

Respawn Looks To Punish “Piggybackers” In Apex Legends

One of the plaguing aspects of Apex Legends’ teamwork based gameplay is when matchmaking pairs up a couple of competitive players with one lazy, not-so competitive ‘piggybacker’. These players flourish on not contributing, raking in the experience points the other teammates are working hard to earn. Developers Respawn Entertainment has noticed the community feedback surrounding this issue in Apex Legends, and it now seems they’re planning on punishing these types of players in the future.

While not an immediate update, Respawn is planning a patch which will introduce a temp-ban punishment to those piggy-backing their way to higher levels. The developers continue their strategies of keeping Apex Legends as fair as possible, as they’ve also been on a hot streak of banning cheaters as well.

The punishment will only appear to issue a temporary ban from the game. However, the game’s subreddit page also warned players that in extreme cases where piggybacking occurs, some players could face a permanent ban from the game.

The update has yet to be released to the public, but does serve as a warning to anyone who has been taking advantage of their teammates for easy experience points. Stay tuned for more news on Apex Legends and the continued efforts on weeding out all flak that often hinders the experience.

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