Riders Republic

Riders Republic Gets Gameplay and Release Date

If you are looking for a game to scratch your extreme, over-the-top, daredevil itch, then look no further than Ubisoft‘s upcoming Riders Republic. After a new trailer full of gameplay was shown off during the Ubisoft Forward Livestream, it appears event crazier than before.

Riders Republic is more or less a spiritual successor to Steep. Developer Ubisoft Annecy, developed the open-world Snowboarding title as their first game as the lead in 2016 and has continued to support it since then. The games follow very similar structures so it can be assumed Riders is also intended as a long project.

The game is an MMO of sorts, dropping you into a world filled with players and allowing you to compete against them in tons of challenges. Despite this, you will still be able to play the game solo if you prefer.  The game will also put emphasis on completing challenges so you can unlock more gear.  Many elements from Steep will return such as Snowboarding, hang gliding, and parachuting.

Similar to many games marketing to extreme sports, it will feature sponsorships from several companies such as Red Bull, Salomon, Santa Cruz, and more. These sponsorships will allow players to join signature events. And if the idea of backflipping off a mountain onto a small path with your bike isn’t exciting enough, you can also do it in first-person mode to really feel it.

It is important to note that made of these games in the past have received mixed reviews upon release. I hope this game fairs differently, but Ubisoft has consistently proved a commitment to fixing their games through post-launch content.

Riders Republic will be crashing its way into stores on September 2. It will be available for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PC, Luna, and Stadia.

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