Rise of the Tomb Raider

Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration ‘Blood Ties’ DLC Trailer

Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration ‘Blood Ties’ DLC Trailer

Square Enix has released a new trailer for Rise Of The Tomb Raider – this time showing off the Blood Ties and Lara’s Nightmare DLC.

“Blood Ties” is new premium DLC, and will allow players to explore Croft Manor in the main story mode, then defend it against a zombie invasion in “Lara’s Nightmare.” When Lara’s uncle contests ownership of the Manor, Lara must explore the estate to find proof that she is the rightful heir, or lose her birthright and father’s secrets for good. Players can then test their zombie-killing skills in the replayable “Lara’s Nightmare” mode: a haunted Croft Manor where players have new challenges and must rid the Manor of an evil presence.

In addition, for the first time in a Tomb Raider game, a new online co-op expansion to “Endurance Mode” lets fans raid tombs in a brutal wilderness together. Two players must team up to survive the harsh elements by day, as well as lethal threats from enemies by night. Fire takes fuel, food restores health, and every resource must be hunted, collected, or crafted. Battle to the top of the leaderboards, as others try to beat your longest survival run.”

Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration is due out for PlayStation 4 on October 11.

Check out the Trailer:


“This additional experience will take Lara back to her roots, as she’ll have the opportunity to explore the dilapidated Croft Manor before possibly losing her rights to it. The new trailer shows both the Blood Ties story mode portion of the DLC, as well as a glimpse of the Lara’s Nightmare side that sends zombies into the mansion.”

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