Root Letter is a youth mystery adventure and human drama set in Shimane Prefecture. In it, the player will engage an adventure to solve the mystery of Fumino Aya, a pen pal friend from high school who disappeared after leaving a mysterious letter. A letter delivered 15 years later.
The player will engage an adventure to solve the mystery of Fumino Aya, a pen pal friend from high school who disappeared after leaving a mysterious letter. A letter delivered 15 years later…
Root Letter will launch for PlayStation 4 and PS Vita in Japan on June 16. It will cost 4,800 yen for the standard edition and 7,800 yen for the “Premium Box” including a copy of the game, special-make box, the original soundtrack, and an original art book.
Check out the Trailer:
“During Kadokawa Games’ media briefing today, they announced a completely new title called √letter or Root Letter as part of their first title of their new “Kadokawa Game Mystery” brand.”
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The trailer showcases several details.
The streamed event will feature an in-depth look at several upcoming Xbox first-party titles.
Announced on the official Twitter account
Announced on the studio's official Twitter account.