Rumor 3 Switch Games Leaked

Rumor: Best Buy Leaks 3 Massive Unannounced Titles For Switch

In a week where leaks are seemingly ruining the upcoming E3 event – and proof why the annual event may be on its way out the door – Best Buy has seemingly accidentally leaked 3 big title games headed to the Switch.

With Atlus revealing a new web page for Persona 5 S yesterday, it seems the Best Buy’s employee terminal has leaked what looks to be a Switch release for Persona 5. Along with the title also comes a SKU, UPC and model number for the title. Could this mean we could see more Persona titles on the Switch, such as Persona 3 and 4 remasters/remakes? Fingers crossed.

The second big game is a collection many fans have been clamoring for. Metroid Prime Trilogy for the Switch has been listed within the Best Buy employee terminal along with proper SKU and model number as well. This would be what many consider a must for Nintendo as the highly-anticipated Metroid Prime 4 has been delayed significantly and would help ease the pain for many Metroid fans along the way.

And the third leak gave us what could be another Zelda remake as The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past has also been captured in the Best Buy employee terminal. With the remake of Link’s Awakening already confirmed to release this year, two major Zelda remakes headed to the Switch seems like a dream come true for many Nintendo fans.

All of these leaks have yet to be officially confirmed but it seems highly unlikely that the Best Buy employee terminal would have not one, not two, but three typos. And all three of the leaks don’t seem particularly far-fetched. Regardless, keep your eyes peeled for more details on what and if these leaks are true.

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Source: Wario64 (2) (3), Mystic

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[…] other news, Best Buy has apparently leaked three big name titles on their employee terminal page, those being Metroid Prime Trilogy, Persona 5 and Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Stay tuned […]