Characters from Bully

Rumor: Bully 2 First Screenshot Leaked; Showcasing the Game’s Map

It seems we really need to believe that Rockstar’s next project will be Bully 2. After a bunch of rumors in the past, today a screenshot has been shared on Twitter which is being claimed to be directly taken from Bully 2.

The image actually showcases the game’s pause menu, where we can spot the map. The player is in Wintersmith Mansion where bunch of buildings are drawn around him on the map with blue marks on them which probably represents what the building is related to.

Design of the menu and fonts that have been used for words all are reminding us of 2006’s Bully. At the corner of the menu, you can spot a student’s face which doesn’t look like to be the first game’s Jimmy. But one thing that mostly assures us on the screenshot to be real is the Social Club option at the right top corner, which is a feature that you can find on every Rockstar game that includes a multiplayer part. Fortunately, Bully 2 seems to feature multiplayer as the Online option is one of the taps at the menu.

Rockstar isn’t that kind of developer to take part in events or respond to rumors right after they spread, so we need to wait until official news comes from the developer itself, but at least now we have hope to see Bully 2 almost 13 years after the launch of first entry of the series.

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