Level 5

Rumor: Massive Withdrawal of Personal at Level-5 Has Caused Project Delays

Rumor: Massive Withdrawal of Personal at Level-5 Has Caused Project Delays

Japanese website Nifty, has suggested that Japanese developer and publisher Level-5, has suffered of massive withdrawal of employees in the last few months, this situation is allegedly the reason of Yokai Watch 4 and Inazuma Eleven Ares been postponed to 2019.

This situation it’s a huge issue for Level-5 as not only games but toys and gadgets from their games are sold and they lost a huge opportunity to get sales this holiday season which is another blow for their future projects.

This rumour would fit with the news that Yokai Watch 4 has been delayed from its initially announced ‘winter 2018’ release date to ‘spring 2019’, while Inazuma Eleven Ares was delayed past May 2019, presumably as the company hires new staff to finish these games.

Although no reason was given for the exodus, the website does note that Yokai Watch 4 missing the holiday 2018 rush will undoubtedly have caused a number of lost sales for the company in terms of merchandise and toys.

But what’s behind these allegedly mass resignations at Level-5 you may ask, well Japanese magazine Nifty suggest that employees where not happy with the developer prioritizing their business practices than the needs and desires of the fans, they claim that fans voice is stronger than Level-5 and its way of doing business.

It’s worth to also mention the vision of Level 5 current president and CEO Akihiro Hino:

“When establishing LEVEL-5, I was set on creating games that would bring the children of today the same excitement I felt as a child. This single desire is what inspired us to start this company.

Making Fukuoka the “Hollywood of the gaming industry” through the Game Factory Friendship, as well as expanding our efforts into movie and anime production are just a few of the challenges we are pursuing. However, LEVEL-5′s main arena will remain games. That is why my fellow staff and I are going to continue the path my heart has followed since day one: the journey to becoming the “number one game brand”. I want us to be known as “the world’s best,” not for the company’s capital or scale, but for the entertainment value of our products.”

For more information read the full article at – VGChartz

Keep it tuned to Gaming Instincts for updates on this rumor and more gaming news.

If you’re taking some Japanese lessons why don’t get into the source of this rumor and share what the Japanese fans think on the comment section down below.

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