
Rumor: Microsoft May Announce Rocksteady’s Next Game Later This Year

Rumor: Microsoft May Announce Rocksteady’s Next Game Later This Year

In the past few months there has been a lot of speculation about Rocksteady’s next project, there were rumors for a while that they were doing a Superman game, but apparently that was cancelled,  The latest information comes from an industry insider who has deliberately leaked some confidential details about the new title Rocksteady Studios might be working on. He also suggest that both Microsoft and Sony will fully unveil the new consoles in 2019

In a 4Chan post the new rumor states that their next project is a Justice League game for PC, Xbox Scarlett and PS5. The announcement is expected to come in 2019. The leaker disclaims their involvement and that the information solely comes from someone who is involved in the development of the game.

“Possible titles – Justice League: Crisis, Justice League: New Crisis, Justice League: Infinite Crisis. Seems they haven’t settled on a title yet, but they have a new staple in Crisis. Kind of like how Arkham was to their Batman series.

Developer – Rocksteady
Systems – Xbox Scarlett/PS5/PC. You’ll hear more details on Xbox’s new system later this year with a full reveal early 2019. PS5 will be announced in early 2019 as well.

Type – Single Player/Co-op. You can switch between characters like in Arkham Knight. The campaign can be played both ways, but there’s also a different game mode catered to multiplayer. Also, it’s GaaS, so expect a ton of DLC content. They’re gonna have something similar to Hitman with episodic DLC.

Characters – Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash(Pretty sure it’s Wally), Green Lantern(Hal), Cyborg, Aquaman.
Cities – Metropolis, Gotham, Keystone(why I said it’s probably Wally), more others through DLC. Each city is a bit bigger than AK, and just as detailed.

Villains – Main big bad is Starro. As the episodic stuff rolls out you’ll see Brainiac and even Darkseid.

Story – All the heroes are pretty early on in their careers. Batman’s still considered an urban legend to anyone outside of Gotham, Superman isn’t the “world protector” yet, and WW is still on Themyscira. Aquaman’s still in the sea, GL is in space, and Wally isn’t even a hero yet.
Gameplay – From what I hear, it plays just like the Arkham games, except more refined and “opened up”. Guessing that’s for the heroes that can fly and such.

DLC – A lot of the DLC will have new cities and new playable characters. Green Arrow, Hawkgirl, Martian Manhunter and probably a lot more. They’re expecting this game to last for years, so I wouldn’t be surprised if this game ended up being like Destiny in the sense that it gets updated constantly.”

Again, Noting that this rumor originally came from 4Chan, we suggest that you take this with a huge grain of salt, however, it would be cool to see Microsoft take a huge reveal like this for themselves at the upcoming Xbox X018 Conference that will be held in Mexico city on November 10 2018, expect full coverage of that event here at Gaming Instincts.

Via – 4Chan.

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