Red Dead Redemption 2

Rumor: Red Dead Redemption 2 Will Be Announced for PC on April 22; Coming in July

Although God of War announced as the best game of last year in most of festivals, still Red Dead Redemption 2 holds the first place in 2018 based on what review scores suggests. While millions of gamers all over the world played as an outlaw in wild west, roaming with Arthur Morgan in limitless world of Red Dead Redemption 2 remained as a dream for PC gamers. With Rockstar Games neither rejecting nor confirming PC port of the game, there is always an eternal hope for Windows lovers to play RDR 2 on their beloved platform, which never happened for the game’s predecessor. However, some rumors and leaks are spreading right now, which could tweak hopes on receiving PC version of Red Dead 2.

According to a leak by 4Chan, who leaked some exact information on Borderlands 3, Red Dead Redemption will definitely get a PC version and it’s going to be unveiled on April 22nd, releasing exclusively on Epic Games Store with no timing limits. 4Chan also revealed that the game will be released on July 9th and it makes us to take the leak with a massive grain of salt, as Rockstar Games never lets it’s release dates to get leaked.

4Chan claims that Take-Two and Epic Games Store have signed a contract for release of both Borderlands 3 and Red Dead Redemption 2, with the first for six month exclusivity and the second permanently.

What’s your idea on this leak? Gaming Instincts will update you on the article as new details has been revealed.

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