publisher, Ragnarok Game, LLC, is suing the game’s developer—formerly known as Human Head Studios—for abandoning Rune II after the game’s release.
The allegations amount to a Breach of Contract after Human Head shut down and its employees went to work for Bethesda. According to the legal documents submitted by Ragnarok Game, LLC’s legal team, “the Rune II Agreements expressly provide that Ragnarok exclusively owns all right, title and interest in the content and materials developed by Human Head for Rune II, including deliverables, software (including source and object codes), work product, and the Rune II game (‘Rune II Assets’).”
The legal documents also claim that the employees that worked for the now defunct Human Head Studios have yet to turn over the source and object codes to Ragnarok Game, LLC, and have “continued to alter the source and object codes for Rune II, despite repeated and explicit instructions from Ragnaroks that Defendants immediately cease all such alterations.”
Ragnarok Game, LLC provided six Causes for Action (a set of facts justifying the right to sue to obtain money, property, or the enforcement of a right against another party) when submitting the legal documentation suing the Human Head Studio developers who now work under Bethesda’s umbrella. Those Causes of Action include:
Gamers interested in a more thorough understanding of the legal actions forthcoming can refer to the legal document provided above.
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A gameplay video was also released.