
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero Now Available, Launch Trailer

Shantae: Half-Genie Hero Now Available, Launch Trailer

Shantae: Half-Genie Hero is available today on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation Vita and Wii U. The trailer of launch, in particular with regard to versions of the Wii U and the PlayStation Vita. Initially financed through crowdfunding, the game is finally complete, after a period of development quite long. It is a platformer with elements of the adventure that falls in the category of metroidvania, characterized by a graphic style that 2D old-school very well cared for.

Naturally, the game made an appearance at E3 this year, so WayForward put together a new trailer to show off what is likely very close to the final build of the game. It looks like the same Shantae we all know and love, but with a sleek new artstyle and with the return of transformations both new and old.

Check out the Trailer:

“The price for that version of the game will be $19.99 and 16.99€. You will need at least 2 179.7MB of free space on your Wii U or your external HDD in order to download it.

Those who prefer to buy games at retail will have to wait one extra week, as that version of Shantae: Half-Genie Hero comes out on December 27th on Wii U. It’s bit more expensive ($29.99), but it comes in a nice box, and with a soundtrack CD featuring 30 tracks from the game’s soundtrack. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like there will be such a release in Europe (at least, for the time being)…”

More info at – Source

Manuel Alvarez

Manuel Alvarez, a budding writer and the Leroy Jenkins of Final Fantasy XIV, he decided to join the Gaming Instincts team to contribute with the news portion of the website, from humble beginnings, Manuel is currently a graphic designer working for the industry, but his burning passion for gaming and opportunities made him enter the world of game journalism and like everybody else in the team, he is eager to see where it will lead him in the future!

Published by
Manuel Alvarez