Shenmue 3

Shenmue 3 Received Four New Screenshots

Started crowdfunding on Kickstarter at 2015, Shenmue 3 has been under development for nearly 4 years and has been delayed for multiple times so far. However, YS Net has promised to finally launch it later in 2019 and today we received some new screenshots showing the game’s different characters and locations.

A few weeks ago, the team behind Shenmue 3 officially revealed PC system requirements for the game and today, the newly shared screenshots represented its beautifully crafted environment and art style. Here you can check them out:

Shenmue 3 is going to be available on PC and PS4 on November 19. During PC Gaming Show event at E3 2019, it’s been revealed that PC version of the game will be Epic Games Store exclusive, which caused a lot of fans, especially backers, to express their anger on Deep Silver’s decision, which is morally against Shenmue’s Kickstarter campaign.

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