WWUV announced that on their Kickstarter page players can find a short review of Sine Requie: Snake Eyes demo, written by the very authors of the original Sine Requie tabletop roleplaying game! From the award-winning Italian pen and paper R.P.G. Sine Requie, Snake Eyes is a Horror-Thriller roleplaying game with survival elements.
Check out the Kickstarter trailer of Sine Requie: Snake Eyes, featuring some gameplay footage:
“It tells about the investigations of Rossano Mazzoni Inquisitor and its hunt to a secretive heretic cult in a post-apocalyptic 1954 Tuscany, in which the dead rose to feed on the living.
A Grim World
On the 6th of June 1944, in the day that everyone knows as the D-Day, the world felt into the darkness of hell. On Judgement Day the Dead begun their hunt against mankind. It is the year 1954, the world has become a pile of crumbles, where the few survivors try resist the hunger of the Dead. Few nations, held by cruel dictatorships, are left intact.
The darkest future that mankind could imagine turned into the most monstrous reality. This is the world of Sine Requie.
What was once a country named Italy, today is the Sanctum Imperium, a firm theocracy ruled by Pope Leo XIV. The Roman Church took absolute power, turning these lands into an anachronistic place, where armoured Templars and horse-mounted Inquisitors parade the streets side-by-side with cars. Here the population lives left behind, immersed in obscurantism, hidden within the walls of their fortified towns. In the hope of surviving the grasp of the Dead, societies manically persecute the heretics, who are considered the emissaries of the Devil, sent among us to defeat the Justs in the day of the Apocalypse.
Sine Requie
Written by Leonardo Moretti and Matteo Cortini after more than fifteen years of work, and distributed by Asmodee Italia, Sine Requie is an award-winning tabletop role-playing game, which has fascinated and terrorized thousands of fans.
Game Pillars
Each chapter boasts more than seven different endings: how will you use the power you hold? Will you be able to stop the mysterious demonic ritual threatening the Imperium’s order? How many innocents are you willing to sacrific
Investigate, split the team in order to cover more leads at the same time. How will you overcome the obstacles on your path?
Careful: each card you draw will not reappear until the deck itself is reshuffled.
For more information on Sine Requie: Snake Eyes, visit its official website.
A gameplay video was also released.