Skull and Bones

Skull and Bones Closed Beta Dates and Details Announced

Ubisoft has announced that Skull and Bones will receive a closed beta that will start on December 14 and ends December 18 for Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 5, and PC. The beta will only allow players six hours of playtime in-game and those selected will be invited via their Ubisoft Connect ID. Players who get selected can also invite two other players to participate. In the beta, players will explore the Red Isle pirate den of Sainte Anne. Skull and Bones will launch on February 16, 2024 for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, PC via Epic Games Store and Ubisoft Store, Stadia, and Luna.

The full details via Ubisoft:

Skull and Bones – closed beta 2
Your guide to the closed beta

Hello Captains,

The route towards the waters of Skull and Bones is opening once again during our Closed Beta on PC (Ubisoft Connect & Epic), PS5 and Xbox X|S.

Be ready to test your mettle from the 15th to the 18th of December.

closed beta key information:
Access: Invitation only – see below for more information.

Platforms: PC (Ubisoft Connect & Epic), PS5, Xbox X|S

Preload: 12th December, 1 AM (PT) / 12th December, 10 AM (CET) / 12th December, 8 PM (AET)

Start: 14th December, 6 PM (PT) / 15th December, 3 AM (CET) / 15th December 1 PM (AET)

End: 18th December, 12 AM (PT) / 18th December, 9 AM (CET) / 18th December 7 PM (AET)

Time cap: 6 hours

Language: English only

Closed beta time limit
For this Closed Beta, play time is limited to 6 hours and you may utilize the allocated time anytime between 15 Dec 2023 (3AM CET) to 18 Dec 2023 (9AM CET).

The 6-hour time limit is only counted when you are in a Game Session (i.e., once you “Start Game” or “Continue Game”). Please note that idling in the menus when you are loaded into the game world will count towards your total play time as well.

Once you exit the game, the counter will stop and you may resume playing as long as the Closed Beta is active, and if you are still within the 6-hour time limit.

Once your 6 hours are up, your play session will end, and the game will no longer be accessible.


participants & friend invites:
If you are selected to participate in the Skull and Bones Closed Beta, you’ll receive an invitation on your registered Ubisoft Connect email address. Check your spam folder in case the mail is redirected there.

All participants will be able to invite up to 2 of their friends to participate in the Closed Beta. Invited friends will need a registered Ubisoft Connect account.

To invite a friend:

In the confirmation email you received, select Invite My Friends.
Select Invite in the Ubisoft Connect friends list, next to your friend’s username.
Your friend will receive the invitation to the email address associated with their Ubisoft account.
pc specs
To be able to run the Closed Beta you will need to run it on a computer falling within these requirements:

Closed Beta details
discover the red isle and the coast of Africa
Located within the Red Isle is the pirate den of Sainte Anne. Ruled by John Scurlock, the local Kingpin you’ll deal with as you start your rise to the top of the pirate world. This den is a safe zone where you can interact with other players, craft your ships, weapons, and equipment with the help of the skilled craftsmen who have made their home here. You’ll be able to access a warehouse to store your loot, repair your ship, sell the commodities you liberated from rich merchants, and more.

Explore the Red Isles, the Coast of Africa as well as the Open Seas during the Closed Beta, as you meet the different factions present in-game and face them peacefully or turn against them in-combat.

While doing so, keep a lookout for opportunities to grow your infamy and riches, as well as hidden areas where you can drop your anchor to stock up on ammunition or interact with vendors to fulfil contracts or buy rare items.

Be sure to plot your course wisely though, or you’ll face mutiny from your crew if you wander out of bounds.

golden path contracts, time limit and infamy tiers
As you find your sea legs in the world of Skull and Bones, the most direct path forward will be Golden Path Contracts. These contracts will act as a guide as you build your reputation and discover more about the world. These are marked with this icon:

But we highly encourage you to go off the beaten path and forge your pirate adventure!
For the Closed Beta, you will be able to play and experience the world of Skull and Bones for 6 hours in total. You’ll have plenty of loot to hunt down, and activities to complete. Make full use of your Logbook, and the Journal in the Map tab to pin and track activities!

Stay tuned at Gaming Instincts via TwitterYouTubeInstagram, and Facebook for more gaming news.

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