Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts

Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts First Gameplay Footage Revealed at E3 2019

Sniper Ghost Warrior is back for the fourth time to take you to the frozen lands of Siberia and delivers another breath-taking experience of sniping in camouflage with outstanding graphics and whole new gameplay-style. Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts is the new game from CI Games and the very first gameplay footage for it is now available to watch.

In an interview with IGN at E3 2019, the developer behind Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts announced that their new title will give players a set of missions in different locations that they can choose freely every one of them to take part in and do the objectives that the contract has demanded.

Through every mission, you will be able to choose your own path and do the objectives in any way that is more satisfying for you. Lie in a great spot and snipe your enemies one by one before even getting closer to them, or take out your suppressed pistol and terrorize the enemies in close quarters with making a noise.

During the gameplay demo, we get to see a mission set in a heavily guarded camp at snowy Siberia. The player first manages to silently take down the guards that are securing his desired place for sniping, then we start to see some sharp shootings that removes soldiers from the map one after another.

According to the developer, aside from creating a realistic experience of shooting at the game, the is also working on designing all environmental obstacles and other conditions that matters for a real sniper in this world.

Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts will be coming to PS4, Xbox One and PC this year.

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