Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts artwork.

Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts Released

Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts

has released for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One as of today, November 22, 2019.

CI Games promises the game will deliver “in-depth play elevating the series to new heights.” Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts focuses on new features added to the franchise. One new feature in particular is the “Dynamic Reticle System which offers intense sniping experience, dramatic dismemberment mode and upgradeable AR mask — and pure sniper fun gameplay set in the unforgiving Siberian wilderness, the open sandbox game allows players to enjoy Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts on their terms, picking their own route and playing how they want to.”

In addition, the newest installment possesses 25 contracts in five large maps. Each map is meant to be explored. Players will have access to new weapons and gadgets to use while eliminating targets with the new precision sniping mechanics.

CI Games contends that no two missions are the same, so snipers will need to “carefully plan out and execute the perfect kill and exfiltration from a given encounter.”

The game also offers an in-depth campaign alongside its intense mission-based contracts system.

More information regarding the game can be found on its official website. Interested parties can also view the game’s launch trailer here.

Sniper Ghost Warrior is a series of tactical shooter video games that are developed and published by CI Games (formerly City Interactive S.A.).  The franchise debuted in 2008 with Sniper: Art of Victory before changing its name to the more well-known title Sniper: Ghost Warrior with its second addition in 2010. Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts is the first game in the franchise to use mission-based gameplay instead of an open-world format.

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