Savage Game Studios

Sony Acquires Mobile Game Developer Savage Game Studios

Sony has announced its recent acquisition of mobile developer Savage Game Studios as part of its new PlayStation Studios Mobile Division which will focus on “innovative, on-the-go experiences” based on the company’s popular IPs.Details on the acquisition via Savage Game Studios CEO and co-founder Michail Katkoff can be seen below:

Thanks, Hermen, and hello everyone in the PlayStation community!

Established in 2020 and led by myself and fellow co-founders Nadjim Adjir and Michael McManus, Savage Game Studios was born of our many years of mobile game development experience spanning a number of massively successful global intellectual property. Our guiding vision was a creative space where experimentation and taking risks weren’t warily avoided, but rather eagerly embraced. We’ve all worked at big studios and while we respect the advantages of ample resources, we wanted to stay small and nimble so we could call our own shots.

“So why then,” you may be thinking to yourself, “would you join PlayStation Studios?” We made this deal because we believe that PlayStation Studios’ leadership respects our vision for how we can best operate and succeed, and because they too are not afraid to take chances. All of that, plus the ability to potentially tap into PlayStation’s amazing catalog of intellectual property and the fact that we will benefit from the kind of support that only they can provide… The harder question to answer would be “why not?”

On behalf of everybody at Savage Game Studios, thank you for having us. We can’t wait to show you what we’ve been working on!

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