Sony Looking to Expand SIE

Sony Eyeing More Studio Acquisitions for SIE

In a recent interview with Nihon Keizai Shimbun, SIE CEO Jim Ryan expressed the need of continued growth of the PlayStation first party studios and obtaining more content in order to compete with the growing industry. With newcomers Google and Apple joining the game streaming endeavor, Ryan stated, “content is becoming more important than ever before.”

Sony already has a solid track record of well-known and impressive first party studios apart of the SIE Worldwide Studios. With studios like Naughty Dog, Sony Santa Monica, Guerrilla Games, Sucker Punch and Media Molecule (just to name a few), it’s definitely exciting to see who the industry veteran could be eyeing to add to the already daunting list.

Sony is also open to the idea of bringing in new talent looking to make a mark in the industry with Ryan expressing, “Companies new to the games industry looking at the market with hope is something we definitely welcome.”

There was a recent rumor circulating that Sony may be attempting to bring in Remedy Entertainment, or at least collaborate on an exclusive title for the PlayStation brand. However, Sony has also recently lost the exclusive rights to narrative driven titles from Quantic Dream, shortening the list of exclusive titles – but only by a small margin.

Stay tuned for more details on where Sony stands and what to expect from future acquisitions for the company.

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Source: Hachima Kikou via Gematsu

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